Association Between Duration Of Mechanical Ventilator Use With Mortality In Intensive Care Unit (Icu) Rsud Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek


  • Dwi Wulan Noviyanti Medical Faculty lampung University
  • Ari Wahyuni
  • Dwi Aulia Ramdini
  • Fidha Rahmayani



ICU, Mechanical Ventilator, Mortality


Mechanical ventilator is a breathing support device that helps patient with respiratory failure. Use of mechanical ventilator for more than 48 hours causing complications that could increase mortality in patients. Knowing association between duration of mechanical ventilator use with mortality in ICU can help reducing the factors that cause patient’s  mortality in ICU. This study used an analytic observational method with cross sectional approach. Subjects were 97 medical record data with simple random samping technique then processed by using SPSS. This study used secondary data with medical records of patient in ICU with use of mechanical ventilator according to sample’s inclusion and exclusion. The analysis used is chi-square. The result showed that the majority of subjects were >65 years old (37,1%), male (60,8%). Non surgical patients (56,7%), the most common primary diagnose were ICH (17,5%), CKD (10,3%), CHF (6,2%), and peritonitis (6,2%), duration of mechanical ventilator use ≥48 jam (61,9%) and patient died (83,5%). There was no association between duration of mechanical ventilator use with mortality (p = 0,734). There is no association between duration of mechanical ventilator use with mortality in the ICU RSUD Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek.

Author Biographies

Dwi Wulan Noviyanti, Medical Faculty lampung University



Ari Wahyuni



Dwi Aulia Ramdini



Fidha Rahmayani




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How to Cite

Noviyanti, D. W., Wahyuni, A., Ramdini, D. A., & Rahmayani, F. (2022). Association Between Duration Of Mechanical Ventilator Use With Mortality In Intensive Care Unit (Icu) Rsud Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek. Medical Profession Journal of Lampung, 12(1), 153-159.




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